Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Verification & Data Visualization (Notes)

·      Story Verification
o   Objectivity involves verifying facts.
o   Techniques of Verification
  Edit with skepticism (aka Prosecutorial Editing).
  Adjudicating (act as a judge) a story line by line.
  When Editing, Ask Questions
·      How do we know this?
·      Why would a reader believe this?
·      What is the assertion behind the sentence?
  Tip: Editor and reporter sit side by side to edit the story.
o   Keep an Accuracy Check List
  Ask More Questions
·      Is the lead of the story sufficiently supported?
·      Is the context of the story complete?
·      Are all stakeholders in the story identified?
·      Have other sides of this issue been contacted?
·      Does the story pick sides or make subtle value judgements?
  REMEMBER: When a journalist has an agenda going into an interview the story them becomes propaganda.
o   Final Questions To Ask
  Have you attributed (given credit to) all of these facts in the story?
  Do the facts back you up your story?
  Did you double check the quotes and make sure they are in proper context?
·      Data Visualization / Information Graphics
o   Information graphic is a set of information organized in a visual manner.
Information design makes complex information understandable to more people than traditional text.

Dave Jennett: The Real Mr. Fix It (Group)

Dave Jennett has lived an accomplished and fulfilling life, including a taste of stardom as the television personality Mr. Fix It.
He appeared hundreds of times on morning shows such as “Alive and Well” with host Joanne Carson and has even been a guest on the “Late Show” with Dave Letterman. In thirty years working for celebrities, Don Rickles, Raquel Welch and Linda Evans, to name a few, he has remained a humble, honest and joyful man.

Born in 1926 he grew up in Newark, New Jersey. As a shy child he excelled in mechanics and attended a boy’s technical high school in place of a traditional institution. His mother instilled in him the importance of honesty and respect.

Jokingly Dave exclaims, “My mother gave me a curse (honesty and truthfulness), because of that it took me an extra ten years to become financially successful.”

He has sixty-five years of experience repairing machines of all kinds. When he would walk in to a hardware store Dave would always hear other repairmen talking about their court dates for that week. Staying true to his ethics has served him well and he has never been taken to small claims court.

Dave and his wife moved to Los Angeles in 1969, a few years later he was offered a two hour spot on KABC radio helping callers with their repair inquiries. He has a true drive to help and teach others what he knows, the calls flooded in. After his radio show ended for the day he would sit in a back office and advise callers about their fixes. Dave felt it was his responsibility to maintain his ethical stance even more so because he was beginning to receive clients via his radio show.

Later in his career he was invited as a guest on many morning shows including “Alive and Well” with Joanne Carson. He recalls guiding Joanne through a faucet repair live on television and her excitement in repairing it, showing women can repair anything successfully. Dave enjoyed teaching others his trade.

He received his Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teaching credentials in three weeks and began teaching at technical high schools, like the one he attended. Dave taught many variations of repair, mainly air conditioning and refrigeration. Substituting a class he remembers a student timidly looking over his shoulder while he repaired a furnace. Dave invited him to squeeze up inside the furnace with him to show the student how the repair was done.

His radio and television personality, Mr. Fix It, is reserved only for those venues. Now age eighty-five Dave lives in Beverly Wood, CA with his wife. He is still a kid at heart, playing music with his friends and riding his Harley Davidson. He believes through strong ethics, desire to help others and a hard working attitude came his success. He maintains he is just a good repairman.

He explains, “You have to know your true abilities and if they satisfy you truthfully then make use of them.”

New Career Path's To Consider

As a future grad from Ai-California-Hollywood, I thought of two things, looking for either a web or print job. Although my major was Interactive Media as well, it never crossed my mind of what other type of career paths I can take till now.

During a class assignment that required me to research for online writer listings, I was able to see how far job opportunities have come about do to the internet. As people now require information on the spot instead of waiting for it to go to print for you to know what was going on. News is now given in real time while the situation is happening.

Which brings me to the job ad I was able to find. First off, I went to where I was able to search for different types of jobs that are available for writers. Then in the search box I wrote "online writers", which populated a few results for me. It is here where I read one of the most interesting job ads for which they where hiring for. The position was titled as "Looking for Mobile Technology Writers". The first two words that stud out to me where "Technology Writers", but the word I found more interesting was "Mobile"? This left me curious to want to read on and see what type of job this might be, so I read on.

 Seems the company was looking to hire a few people that where willing to cover different types of tech events around their area as to be able to cover any new technology that might be coming out soon that we, the public, will be interested in knowing. This position gave various opportunities. They where looking for U.S. editors, European Editors, weekend editors, and even feature contributors.

So if you are a full-time working person that loves to go to conventions as to keep up to date of what new mobile technology is coming out, this would be for you. You can now get paid to go to conventions and see what is coming out and give your opinion of the product.

If you would like to know more detailed information of the job or see the posting, feel free to click here.

Here are a few other reference links you might be interested in checking out as well:

Hope this gives you guys a little more inspiration of the types of jobs that are now available for us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Interview with Roberta Morris

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk with Roberta. I previously had the opportunity to have Roberta as an instructor for another class that at this moment I do not remember the correct title for it. However, I never knew there was so much more to her. Roberta was gracious enough to attend my New Journalism Media class which she broke it down on what ethics really should be in journalism and specially in media journalism.. She read a short play to us, that really hit home. How things can be shown and the way it can effect us.

I would have really liked to have had more time to ask more questions in her views of how people now take journalism and how it was before.

As a young boy, I always was very trust worthy in excepting what the media will show or tell us what is going on in the world at that moment. Now, I question every corner of the news. It is my personal opinion and belief, that it is not so much the writers or journalist fault as to how they spin a story, but ours. We pay attention to drama. We have given the corporate news casting companies the belief that this is what we expect as consumers.

We must take a step back and try to remember what really is important to us. We must remember, we are citizens, not consumers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Learning Image Gallery with JQuery

Here is a sample link that I have found useful in creating a unique style gallery..

Click Here

Hope this helps others as it has helped me..


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Notes: Review on "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" Book

A book by Edward R. Tufte

In the chapter titled "Graphic Integrity", in the book "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" written by Edward R. Tufte, he goes on to explain and breaks down the way people can use graphs, graphic design, and information design to make a person feel or believe something is happening in a certain manner. It is to each is own to judge yourself and your ethics. Would it be fair to use a certain style graph to explain your motives if you know that it will be better understood? or would it be a way of getting what you want? This can surely be a hard decision to make for someone trying to get their point across and battling with their ethical believes. 

It is for this reason that some people have labeled graphs as the visual or graphical "lie". It is hard to know the motives of the person trying to explain themselves by using graphs. However, there are ways to educate yourself and try to figure out when someone is trying to manipulate you. By taking the graph you are being ask to view and breaking it down to numbers, it can help you determine what are the intentions of the graph developer. If they where to place two images side-by-side and tell you they are the same. In turn, if you break down the images by numbers you can distinguish the differences. You might be able to realize that image A size is 3.5', while image B is only 2.75'. This difference can be that the graph developer is trying to show you something, more to his point of view, in image A then there is to image B.
Overall it is always going to be about the information and what you feel you get out of it. Try to make sure you pay attention and don't ignore the signs that might be right in-front of you.

Jason Lopez
In Class Book Notes

Starting A Business With Little or No Experience

Ever thought what you would need to do so you can start your own company? What you would need to do or get before you start? This article will layout a foundation of what you can do to get started. Although there are other articles that show more traditional steps you should take, this article will break it down in a way that the average man can understand what is needed and how to make sure they can successfully find it.

Step One: The Idea
Think of the type of business you would like to do. What type of business interests you? This will allow you to get a better since of what direction you plan to go.
Think of the name you would like for your business as well.

Step Two: The Break Down
Some would consider this as the development part of your business plan. Although business plans are good to have you can still do without one. Just write down a list for yourself of the types of services you will offer. Then explain how you plan to offer them and the outcome of what the consumer will receive. This will give you a better understanding if this is what you really want to do or if you even want to offer such a service.

Step Three: Capital
This is the part that really stumps most people. See what you actually have to invest in the business. Not what you think you have, but what really is available. You have to consider it “lost money” just in case the business goes up.
Whenever looking for money, you can turn to relatives, friends, bank loans, investors, and even partners. Any of these would be a good idea, but we can do this transition step-by-step.

Step Four: Business Structure
Decide what type of business you would like to have. If it would be a DBA, LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, Partnership, etc.. Once you decide what style you want you will know what it will cost to get it. However, you can always start with something more economical and then re-register your business to the type you want.

Step Five: Registering Your Business
 Now a days you don’t really need a lawyer and the money that goes along with hiring one to get your business registered. You now can go to places like or and they can help you with the process way cheaper then you would originally have to pay. You can also do it yourself by just going to City Hall and picking up the right forms. However, if you are like me and want it easier, these types of companies can do all the footwork for you and it can be as cheap as $40 and as high as $900.
Tips: You can also go to the website and get your own tax id, EIN number for free.. Saves you some cash already!

Step Six: Location
            Some might put this above step five or even step four. However, I put it at step six. Most office locations will not let you get the contract without you having the proper business licenses or permits, not even a P.O, Box. Once you register your business you can take your business license number or tax id and this will allow you to get the office under a business name. If you are starting a business with little capital, a P.O Box or Mail Box might be more convenient for you. As your business grows you can get a real office location.

These are the steps you would need to take to make your business happen. Follow the steps and see how it goes. If you find you need anymore help feel free to email and I will try and direct you to the proper source of help.

The Hangover II

The Hangover II: Comedies Biggest Sequel.
MovieGoer: Jason - I'm Just Saying Article

On opening day weekend of the Hangover II, the movie grossed 137.4 Million, breaking box office records. Most movie reviewers where stating that this movie is not worth watching, that it is done bad and the plot is the same.

However, there is a difference between the critics that are the reviewers and the moviegoers. You can never under estimate the fans that believe in what is humorous to them. Seems to me that sometimes the movie reviewers lack the experience of what really is the point of the movie.

Here is what they seem not to understand. Moviegoers, including myself, understand a few things. We seen the first part of the Hangover and understand the plot. We understand they get roofied, we understand that they go on mission to try and piece together what happened the day before, and we understand they are trying to look for their friend. Most importantly, we understand the point of the movie is to try and make it to the wedding in one piece. This is the goal.

Now with all that said, what is it that movie reviewers thought should change in the sequel? Understand some movies need to keep the same format of plot as to make it similar to the others. This is what has made such movies as The GodFather trilogy, Nightmare on Elm St., and Star Wars a success.

If you where to see The GodFather and all of a sudden it turns into a comedy you will think the writers have lost their minds. If you where to watch Freddie rescue kids instead of killing them in their dreams, would the movie still be scary? Same with Star Wars, if you where to see a sequel take place on earth, have the battle on earth instead of space, would you still enjoy it?

The thing that is important is that they find a different way to get to the goal, which the Hangover II did very successfully. They took the same idea and worked a new way to get to the goal. I found this to be one of the funniest movies to have been released and well worth watching.

Once again, I’m just Saying.

Mr. Fix-It Dave Janett

After 85-years in the business, Dave Janett is still going strong. Although he spends most of his time now playing music in the Song Makers Group, Dave Janett is still one phone call away if you ever need something repaired.

Dave moved to Los Angeles around the late 1960’s where he worked as a repairman for a local business company. After gaining a great reputation among his clientele, Dave decided to start his own company. This ended up being one of the best decisions he would have made.

Although he was given various opportunities for himself, Dave never once let it get to his head. He never advertised as he believed that it can belittle his image. Plus, he always found work because people would recommend him to one another, and found that word-of-mouth was a better way for him to receive and except business. He became the handyman repairman for the stars. He would eventually have the opportunity to meet actors such as Regis Philbin, David Letterman, Don Knotts, and Don Rickles, to name a few.

For being known as an honest and reliable source in repairing all types of appliances, Dave was soon offered a radio spot for KABC radio. Dave goes on to explain that on the radio spot, his main objective is to take radio callers that would like to know how they can be able to repair their home items the proper way. He will give step-by-step instructions and would teach them what would be the best way to resolve there problem. What would make Dave stand out from the rest of the handyman in his time, is the dedication he gave his followers. While on the radio, if he found that one of his callers where just having to much trouble figuring out his instructions, Dave Janett, Mr. Fix-It, would go out to the callers location and repair it himself. Taking this type of humble initiative gave him a lot of recognition and would help him further his career as Mr. Fix-It. About a year later, Joanne Carson, the ex-wife of the comedian Johnny Carson, offered Dave Janett a spot in her show “Alive and Well” as Mr. Fix-It.

In the morning show “Alive and Well” Dave’s main objective was similar to the radio show. He was there to show people how to repair their own appliances. During his stint in the television show, Dave recalls showing Joanne Carson how to fix her leaky faucet. He would give her step-by-step instructions on how would the proper way to fix her faucet problem. Dave says, he would never forget the reaction he received from Joanne after she fixed her own leaky faucet. Dave says, that this type of dedication from woman is what would make them great as repairwomen. Unlike men, woman are not afraid to fail, they take it as a learning experience.

Dave enjoyed his stint in the morning show. However, as proud as he was to be given the ability to teach woman and men how to repair their home items, we says that the life experience was well worth it.

He is glad to have been able to live such a full and successful life. Not many people get the opportunity to start their own business, be on the radio, and even be known as Mr. Fix-It on a well-known television program. These opportunities alone are great, but to know that you can do what you are good at for a living must be the best feeling ever.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sample Release Forms

Here are a few sample release forms I was able to locate.

1. Video Release Form: Click Here
2. Interview Release Forms: Click Here
3. Form 2 Interview Release Form: Click Here

Hope these are helpful to you all..

Photo Tips: Review

To become better with using your camera and taking great photographs, you must start by taking pictures start carrying you camera around and whenever, you are given an opportunity to get in a public area start snapping away.
This will allow you to practice. Although most camera's have great auto settings, there is nothing better then taking off (or turning off) the auto setting function and start to take real creative photographs.
Learn the types of lighting you can use. Research "rule of thirds", this will help you understand the importance of placement in your image. Shoot portrait and landscape images as to have a mix variety of pictures to select from. This will help you have the type of image you might need that will fit the box size of the article or magazine you plan to use the image for.
Also do not be afraid of cropping your image if needed. This will allow you to take off any content that might be distracting to the main focus of your image. These are a few tips to consider whenever you are taking pictures.

Have any you would like to share? Please feel free to add your comment and spread the knowledge.

HomeWork_03 Part.3,4

Journalism Vocabulary Words

A few words that might be helpful to understand when writing.

  • Having exact and discernible limits or form.
  • Having the main axis ending in a flower bud and therefore no longer extending in length, as in a cyme.
  • Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
  • A feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements
  • Include or absorb (something) in something else
  • Make a concerted or violent attack on
  • Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
  • Possessing supreme or ultimate power
  • A supreme ruler
  • Give (someone) the authority or power to do something
Class Notes..

Handout: How to Structure a News Story

Their are several ways to structure a story. However, the most popular ones in regards to website writing are inverted pyramid, chronological, narrative, and thematic. These work well as they give the most eye catching portion of the story being told at the beginning of the story. By using the Inverted Pyramid, this will allow your online reader who is surfing the web to want to stop and read the article.

Unlike regular newspaper readers, online surfers, only stay on a page for a brief moment unless something catches their attention and forces them to stop and want to know more.

HomeWork_02 Part. 4

Where to find a Story

Some reference websites for you to search to find stories are:


These are a few website references that where posted in the Multimedia Journalism book by Andy Bull

Although these are UK websites that you can refer to, you can also go to your favorite news sites and pull their RSS Feeds to keep informed of what is going on in the world. Connecting to the RSS Feed will allow you to always be up-to-date on the latest news in the topic of your choice.

HomeWork_02 Part.3 a&b

Targeting Audience

It is important to know who your target audience is. This will allow you to give them news that will appeal to there interest. This will help you understand there needs and what is really important to them and what they need to know about what is going on or what will happen.

Once you have this type of understanding it will be much easier for you to come up with an idea that will appeal to your audience.

HomeWork_02 Part. 2

Zocalo Video: What Does Power Mean in the Digital Age?

Power has changed from what we are accustom to. Before you can say, the people that threatened and made you do stuff had power over you. There is also the Payment power. This can be an example of your parents when they give you cash for you to get things that you want. However, both of these methods give example of a person that effects your decisions or needs. But in the digital forum or better yet called cyberspace, it is hard to know who is the one harming you.

Although technology how allowed us to evolve and make it easier to communicate with others that might live faraway. We are relying on technology and the internet to store all our information. This has also allowed people like hackers, terrorist, or any organize group to attack without ever being known. They have the ability to hide miles away and still do harm to us right in our backyard. We give them access to our personal information and anything that they might be able to search and find to use as they please.

Although technology is the way of the future, we must be always ready for the backlash that it can carry.

HomeWork_02 Part.1 a&b

Website Video: News or Not News

Although some might say that reporting without judging is what you need to be a reporter, sometimes you need to make a stand. I for one, am glad that the reporter did not talk about someone that has no real importance to us. I myself will not even mention that persons name as it will help her in name searches or google results. Let's just call her "I'm so hot". Hope this will give an idea of the person the report decided to make a stand on, and not do the report on.

I believe, that for journalist, sometimes knowing that their are more important things to talk about, we have to settle with interviewing or talking about people that just really are not important to the world.

HomeWork_01 Part.4,5

Who's The Audience?

You need to be able to report news that will appeal to your audience. Your audience might be local, national, international, etc.. You must know your audience to be able to relate and give them a story they will be interested in. this will help your reader understand what you are trying to explain, and also will give you a better understanding of what they will like to know about a topic or article.

HomeWork_01 Part.3, 5

What Is Reporting

Reporting is finding the answers to questions, but not just any questions, you must know the right questions that need to be asked in order to get the good complete story out of the person you are interviewing.

As a helpful tip, you must always try and answer the following questions when writing a story.

1. Who? Is it about
2. What? Is it about
3. When? Did it happen
4. Where? did this take place
5. Why? did this happen
6. How? did this occur.

By attempting to answer these "W's" is what will make your story a great one. This will allow you to start structuring and see what else you need to add.

HomeWork_01 Part.3,5

Intro Videos Comment

After reading a few chapters in the Multimedia Journalism book, I have a since of what they mean when they say "know your target audience". Although this was required to read, I found it really hard to pay attention, yet trying to understand them. I feel that if it would have been made here in the United States, it might have caught my attention a little better.

HomeWork_01 Part.1,5

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

3rd Revision (Human Interest)

Euthanasia: Ideal or Ordeal?
Tuan and Misty, reminisces of the time they forestalled against their will upon deciding whether euthanasia was the only solution for their beloved dog

        There will come a time when your heart will tell you, its time to let your pet go. Excruciating pains, horrific surgeries, unbearable weeping... it's just not worth the selfishness of trying to maintain the life of your pet. Tuan and Misty, are two different people residing in different states, however, coincidently they both had to suffer the same decisive obstruction. When they first befriended their pet, it never came to thought for Tuan or Misty that their pet would be diagnosed with a tumor. It also never came to thought that they must eventually debate with the ethics of euthanasia. Spottie was diagnosed with a tumor in his hip and BooBoo's tumor was spreading on his leg. As they became aware of their pet's tumor, fear of losing a companionship lurked in their home and though they fought to save their pet through surgical operations, nothing could revise their pet's faith. Their companionship with their pets for more than fourteen years was the main reason forestalling their final decision: euthanasia or not, that was the question.
The word euthanasia comes from the Greek meaning of "good death." It is the act of putting to death painlessly, usually from animal suffering, esp. an incurable diseases or condition. Based on the AVMA guidelines for euthanasia, the methods are proven quick and painless. Though it may be disturbing to the observer during the process, the pet is not experiencing any pains or distress. Euthanasia was, considered an act of mercy, distinct from animal slaughter, being performed for purposes. There are two main types of euthanasia: the injection or the gas anesthetics. The injection is of pentobarbital or sodium thiopental that creates unconsciousness, which then is followed by a respiratory cardiac arrest within 30 seconds. The gas anesthetics, such as isoflurane/sevoflurane, is used as an inhalant on the pet which gives the same results of a cardiac arrest.
The frustration, uncertainty and guilt of putting their dog down, consumed their mind and thoughts. To answer the question to their debate, Spottie and BooBoo was a victim of euthanasia. There were challenges when making the decision, and it never really is an easy decision. The truth is quite doleful when they realized that euthanasia was the sole answer. Misty responded in regards to BooBoo, "His walk was limited, his eyes filled with life, while his body was out of sorts. I didn’t want BooBoo to merely exist and suffer. I had to decide when it was time. I didn’t want him to have a slow death, and yet I didn’t want him gone too soon. It was difficult."Misty was present during the euthanasia process. She mentioned that the first shot caused BooBoo to slip into a slouch position, while the second shot was the hit that made everything become still. She remembered, "I felt him pass away in my arms as his spirit ascended up and through me.  It was intense yet peaceful." In reflecting Tuan's experience, he barely wanted to speak about the occurrence. 
Through a positive perspective towards the situation, Spottie and BooBoo no longer must suffer the vengeance of their tumors. Even pets know and can feel when they no longer can endure and when it is time. Pet death, like other losses, requires that the bereaved adjust to the often severe consequences of that loss. It still holds pain to both their hearts that they had to lose their pet, however, its a beautiful relief to know that their pet no longer has to suffer the pains of the tumors. A pet will always be part of someone's family and heart. Today, Tuan and Misty still keeps their pets in remembrance to their hearts.
Video sources: 


Written and Edited by: Remedy Huynh, Research by Misty LaVina & Juan Padilla, Intro/Headlines Brainstromer: Jason Lopez

HomeWork_03 Part. 1

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journalism Vocabulary Words

A few words that might be helpful to understand when writing.

Be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen: "the outcome of the game presaged the coming year".

something that foreshadows or portends a future event : omen. 2. : an intuition or feeling of what is going to happen in the future

Having, showing, or indicating profound wisdom

1. Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment. 2. Proceeding from or marked by wisdom and calm judgment: sage advice.

An expert in the use of words.

A person, as a journalist or novelist, whose vocation is writing.

a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry. 2. surveillance; close and continuous watching or guarding. 3. a close and searching look.

The act of corrupting or state of being corrupt. Moral perversion; depravity.

Impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle.

Watergate Scandal:
During the election campaign of 1972, President Nixon's campaign burglarized the offices of the Democratic Party at the Watergate in Washington DC.

A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.
2. A system of chronology dating from a particular noteworthy event.

Cause pain or suffering to; affect or trouble.

Maintain surveillance over (a person, activity, or situation)

Fourth Estate:
1. journalistic profession or its members; the press.
2. A group other than the usual powers.

Gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).

I was unable to get definitions for the following two words:

1. Bulwark of Liberty
2. James Madison

If anyone can help, please shoot me a line.

72 Hours Before Death - Pets in Death Row

Animal shelter takes more pets than they can support. Over 8 Million Pets are euthanized every year due to the lack of space, food and treatment for abandoned and mistreated pets.  

Shelter? Perhaps a lack of term. There is no difference of it to a pet prison or pound.

Animal cruelty, abuse and abandonment, is far reaching and prevalent around the globe.  Every day, everywhere, humans inflict harm on animals, mistreating them for various and multifaceted reasons. Some cause suffering intentionally because they enjoy it, while others abuse animals through their carelessness, often without even realizing. Those abandoned are left trying to survive on their own. While some, decide to simply make up an excuse that they can’t take care of their pet so that the shelter would take them. Have you ever thought about what really would be the faith of your pet?

Forty-five percent of pets (including dogs and cats) are neglected, often being thrown out in the streets to feed for themselves. Those fortunate are found and sent to an animal shelter. Every year, on average, 8-12 million companion of animals, enter animal shelters nationwide. Shelter intakes are about evenly divided between those relinquished by owners and those picked up by animal control. An animal shelter actually is sometimes not the best place for your pet. There is a 90% chance that an animal will never get to leave. They are left confined in a small room or cage with up to 25 other dogs or cats. If the shelter is full, they will receive a chance to get adopted but that must be within a 72 hour time frame. If not, they will get euthanized. If the shelter is partially vacant, they may stay if they can remain healthy. Many shelters lack the food/water, treatments, and attention for all of the animals there. If they begin to have injuries or health concerns, they possibly could be euthanized as well.

Pets that have been killed at a shelter are put into bins like garbage while awaiting the incinerator

Based on a national estimate, 60% of dogs and 70% of cats are euthanized. In other words, these animals are put to death. This percentage of euthanasia may vary from state to state. That’s approximately 5-9 million total yearly, standing of about 575 dead animals per hour. The bodies are later thrown out in to garbage bags or in big bins where they are discarded and sent out for garbage disposal with the rest of our trash. The main root reason for this is because shelters just can’t afford to house all of those animals and provide treatments for those with needs.

So why is that people must abuse animals, even our pets, in such a manner? Studies have shown that about 88 percent of families that grew up in an abusive home, show records of also committing animal abuse. Police reports have recorded proven truths that both family and pets are victims of these aggression. Looking at past records, about 30 percent of animal abusers have had a domestic violence charged in their record.

The truth is quite doleful. It is not their fault to have to be born and raised upon such cruelty or abandonment. It probably would never cross your mind what will happen to your pet. So think about it before you ever decide to leave your pet behind. Help donate so that animal shelters can “afford” to find homes for all of those animals. Make a difference. Be the difference.

Video sources: VID_001 ,  VID_002 , VID_003 , VID_004


Written by: Remedy Huynh and Juan Padilla, Edited by Remedy Huynh, Research by Misty LaVina, Intro/Headlines Brainstormer: Jason Lopez

HomeWork_02 Part. 6

Writing The Story (Class Notes Week 02)

Use the "WHAT" model when structuring your story:

Tie Up Loos Ends

When writing a news story always mention the reasoning behind any information that could not be included for any reason.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2 Police Officers Convicted for Murder

Two New Orleans Police Officers were convicted for the 2005 murder of Raymond Robair, after kicking and beating him to death with their batons.

Title: 2 New Orleans police officers convicted in 2005 beating death

Two New Orleans Police officers were convicted Wednesday in federal court in a 2005 beating death and cover-up after initially telling investigators the victim was suffering from a drug overdose.

To view reference story(source): Click Here

HomeWork_01 Part.2

Future Nun Raped in Airport

A 22-year-old woman flying from Oregon to Illinois, was raped and assaulted for over 10 minutes in a Denver International Airport.

Title: Woman: I was raped in deserted Denver airport concourse

22-year-old says she was on her way to interview at a convent.
A woman who missed a connecting flight at Denver International Airport said she was raped in a deserted concourse by a man she met at an airport bistro and that two janitors passed by and did nothing.

To view reference story(source): Click Here

HomeWork_01 Part.2

New York Faces Possible Cop Serial Killer

New York's Long Island Police is investigating the remains of 9 bodies found in a string of serial killings near the Long Island beach area.

Title: 'Crazy' killings scare some in beach towns

As police on New York's Long Island were sending dive teams to search for clues in a string of suspected serial killings Wednesday, area residents were trying to come to terms with the grisly crimes.

To view reference story(source): Click Here

HomeWork_01 Part.2

Ai-Library News Resources

 News Papers
·      L.A. Times
·      L.A. Business Journal
·      WWD (Women’s Wear Daily)
·      Variety
·      California Apparel News
·      Shoot Online
·      Advertising Age

News Magazines
·      National Geographic
·      Vanity Fair
·      Wired
·      Technology Review
·      Baseline
·      Variety
·      Web Design
·      Harvard Business Review
·      Times

·      Communication Arts
·      C.G.W.
·      Computer Graphics World
·      Animation Magazine
·      3D World
·      AnOther
·      Computer Arts
·      Creative Screen Writing
·      Culinary Trends 
·      P.D.N.

What Is News (Class Notes Week 01)

1. New (is it new, did it just happen, relative in time)
2. Factual
(actual witnesses, true, rich facts, statistics, chronological details, etc.)
3. It’s about people
4. Relevant to people and could possibly effects them (Could also be relevant to you)
5. Dramatic and out of the ordinary (Great emotions and will spark awareness)
6. Involves a conflict